How to help
You can support MMCP by making a one-off donation, or better still, a regular monthly donation, sending a cheque, setting up a direct debit from your account or by donating online via paypal.

Even as little as £2 a month can make a difference.Please commit to this if you can as MMCP desperately need regular funding to carry on.
To send a one-off donation please send a cheque or donate online via paypal.
To make a regular donation just set up a direct debit. It’s really easy.
​To donate via just giving click here.
Please make cheques payable to Millie Mittoo Children’s Projects and post to:
Millie Mittoo Children’s Projects,
147B Wallwood Road,
E11 1AQ
United Kingdom

Events and promotions
Such as a sponsored runs, charity dinners in your own home, jumble sales, fairs and musical events. We would love and appreciate your participatation in any of these ventures, or to organise your own, contact us with your idea and we’ll give you all the help we can to support you. If you are willing to host a party, we’re willing to help out and cook!
Tell everyone you know about MMCP. We need all of the support we can get.